Nov 2014 - Farmer Mixer & Info Night at Alyson's Orchard
/Thirty-three Monadnock farmers and their families joined us for a fun, informative evening at Alyson's Orchard. The gathering provided space to reconnect, swap challenges, ideas and resources and to speak one-to-one with farm service providers.
Challenges facing our farmers:
- Access to capital and credit
- Business management and counseling
- Education and training
- Selling, finding or evaluating farmland
- Technical advice for soil production, equipment
- What kinds of loans are available to help scale up my farm operation?
- How can I get help with my bookkeeping and taxes?
- How can I afford to hire a farmhand?
- I want to diversify products, where do I begin with this?
- How can I do better market assessments?
- How can I find out about cost-share programs for nutrient management?
- How can I get help finding affordable land?
- I want to start a community garden, where do I begin?
Land For Good
Yankee Farm Credit
NH Community Loan Fund
Keller Williams Realty
Farm Service Agency
UNH Cooperative Extension
NH Small & Beginner Farmers
Jason Reimers, Environmental and Law
Hannah Grimes Center
THANK YOU to Mooselick Beer, Lucas Mediterranean Cafe, and Alyson's Orchard.