May 2014: Monadnock Farm Summit
/Over 30 farmers, restaurant owners, and interested citizens participated in three workshops covering funding/financing, acquiring land to farm, improving farm productivity and equipment, successfully selling wholesale, and NRCS financial and technical programs to improve production.
Our extraordinary presenters and exhibitors fielded questions, imparted their experience and expertise, shared resources, and offered advice to enthusiastic attendees for three hours. Farm Summit attendees walked away armed with the information, resources and tools needed to take the next step towards building, strengthening and broadening farming enterprises. Our goal to increase food production by: improving local farms' ability to remain financially viable, providing information on loans, grants and other funding sources, and improving links to markets, was firmly met.
We are on our way to making this vision a reality thanks to the dedication and participation of all in attendance.
Jay Phinizy and Kelly Greenbacker, Farm Service Agency
Carl Majewski, UNH Cooperative Extension
Kate Kerman, Small and Beginner Farmers of NH
Steve Pytlik, NRCS
Melissa Blindow and Jim Hafner, Land For Good
Sara Lovitz and Stephen Sutcliffe, Monadnock Menus
Sarah Harpster, Gleaning program, The Community Kitchen
Jillian Garcia-Miner, Marketing, Hannah Grimes Center
Monadnock Menus
Thank you to the following local restaurants and food hub for providing us with a bounty of beautiful, freshly prepared food. It was quite a feast! Please thank them the next time you go in for a bite.
Food donors:
Country Life Restaurant
Lee & Mt. Fuji
Monadnock Food Coop