Monadnock Farm and Community Coalition is a 140-member organization who come together regularly in quarterly forums and in working groups to build a robust, effective, equitable, and sustainable local food system throughout the Monadnock Region in alignment with the Healthy Monadnock strategy to increase healthy eating.

MONADNOCK GROWN hoodies, tees, & onesies! Available at Bulldog Design, Keene. Each purchase donates $5 to farm marketing initiative!

Look for the “Monadnock Grown” logo on shelves, farmer’s markets, and farm stands to support local farmers!

Participating farm stands and grocery outlets.
Use our Local Food Finder to locate the product you are looking for.


Our Members

Our 140+ member organizations commit to contributing to the mission, vision and strategic plan by cooperating with other members and sharing resources to meet our shared goals. 

Our 61 individual members commit to actively contributing to the mission and vision on a personal level, as well as engaging in quarterly forums and in monthly work groups. Individual members contribute resources such as time, money goods, or expertise to MFCC to ensure the achievement of our collective goals.

Get Involved!

Membership is free! Only requirement is a sincere concern for and need of local food. There all sorts of way to get involved.

MFCC member volunteer opportunities: 

2025 Sponsors

Thank you to our 2025 sponsors who support building an equitable local food system by helping MFCC members implement our 10 projects that will get food to those who need it. They help us advocate for policy that facilitate farm to school initiatives or continued free breakfast and reduced lunch in our schools. Our sponsors help us to promote member announcements like CSA sign-ups, farm store specials, special on-farm events or sites to find charitable food. They help us to bring together stakeholders regularly to build the marketing and agricultural infrastructure needed for a robust food future for our region. They assure great events like the Monadnock Grown Farm Tour and the Feast on This Film Festival continue to connect our community with their local farmers!

Where would we be without their support? Thank you so much!

Main Sponsors


Farm to Community Supporters


Local Food Fighters!


In kind sponsors: